Not another Plot Twist

So; does everyone have a plan?

You know, did you set your yearly goals and are on track to getting things done?

Maybe like me, you’ve made yourself a couple of deadlines.

Then, one meeting, one loooooong conversation about unexpected results and bang it hits you, straight to the face: Nope, all wrong, redo ๐Ÿ˜›

If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, then let me remind you.

One day you woke up and you were going to have cereals with milk.

You go to the fridge, and guess what, the milk has decided to spoil.

How about that lovely piece of clothing that you got for that important interview/date?

A hot cup of coffee can do that to things.

plotI’m talking about the small, and big, as well as obscenely huge, life plot twists.

Those events that strike you on the head, send you off balanceย  and make you confused.

Happy moments ruined by terrible news, and terrible days fixed with simple words of advice from a stranger, no less.

I want us to take a moment off our large and determined plans, recall those good and bad plot twists and smile.

plot-twist_quoteNo matter how awful those moments had been, we would not be who we are today if not for them.

They made us stronger, closer to the people we love, more importantly, made us more appreciative to what we have and might at any moment loose.

So, imagine your world an epic movie or book. The plot twist is what makes it interesting, brilliant even.

Thread on, plans must change, as does the world.

Face off with the plot twists, it’s worth it.

With love;


(Images found via Google Images, all credit goes to their rightful owners)

2017: Goals and Hopes

Hi guys;

It’s January 2nd already, this year is gonna be gone before we know it ๐Ÿ™‚

I don’t know if it’s just me, or if people look more productive and optimistic about productivity at the beginning of each year. However, as the months roll by, their optimism and goal-oriented spirits start to dwindle.

2016-07-12-1468339936-7748616-procrastinationnowvslaterI believe this happens either from us making too many promises Continue reading

2017: Thank you all!

It begins!!

I want to take to this opportunity to thank all my wonderful followers, you’re the best!

I also want to thank those guests that honer me and the PirateButterfly by stopping by.

Happy new year to y’all, and enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚


Goodbye 2016: A Year to Remember

Somehow, for some reason, we’ve made it through another year.

It’s kind of scary how fast time goes by. One moment you’re thinking of the new year’s goals, and the next you’re wondering ‘What was I doing for 12 months?’.

2016 had not been an easy year, and I don’t expect 2017 to be any easier. The world isn’t meant to become easier as we grow older and more experienced. It grows harder to challenge us, and we must either raise up to the challenge, learn and cope, or give up and fall into despair.

So looking back on the year, I’ve hit some rough patches here and there, so had the world. But we’ve made it, some of us unscathed, and some bruised and bloody.

Today, however, let’s not think about those hard times. Let’s think about the fact we’re over them and that tomorrow is another year, another day and another challenge, and remember:

If you’re going through hell, KEEP GOING!

— Winston Churchill.

Love, and peace;


Glitter: A Letter from the Past

After writing a letter to the Past, a fellow blogger, Success Inspirer’s World, asked if I received a reply. As it happens, I did get a reply…

Dear Seekingsomepeace;
I think that blaming me for your fixations is a bit unfair.
We often find ourselves obsessed with things and people, not for what/who they are, but for who we are.
It is the idea of the what if, the cleanness of the better alternatives, the greener other side of the yard, that glitters, catching our breath, engaging our imagination.
Remember, however, as you search for peace by moving away from me and our memories;
in neglecting all that we shared and seems now a hindrance to your future;
Remember that not all that glitters is gold, and not all memory or regret is a weight holding you down from progress.
The new might be just as dangerous as the old, and the yesterday holds much lessons for the tomorrow;
The Past.

PS. Special thanks for Success Inspirer for the much valued input and inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚

2016 in My Bookshelf

Hello everyone!

Happy holidays for all of you who are celebrating them;

As 2017 approaches, I found myself pondering some of the things I did in 2016.

One of which is the Goodreads book challenge.

I set mine at 20 books (expecting the busy schedule of my PhD program), and ended with 27/20 books read. Not bad, but very lazy if compared to my 57/50 books read in 2015.


Maybe I’ll get to read more books in 2017 ๐Ÿ™‚

Among those books, some took a few hours, and some days. Some were a fun surprise and some a bit on the long and slow side, with interesting endings and plot.

Here are my 2016’s favorite reads:

  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (My rating 4/5): I put this on the to-read list for a loooooooooong time. I was worried it wouldn’t be as great as everyone claimed it was. I was, however, pleasantly surprised that it was. Despite the old writing, and long journey, the deceptive simplicity of the story captured my heart from beginning to end. Much like any other hopeless romantic, I continued to root for Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennett till the very last page :). 1885
  • The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (My rating 5/5): Now on my favorite books ever, this play was fun and funny and meaningful and all that they say about Mr. Wilde. The movie wasn’t bad either ๐Ÿ˜‰92303
  • The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupรฉry (My rating 5/5): The problem with some great books is that they break your heart, and you love them for it :(. The little prince is without doubt one of those. Added to my all-time favorites without hesitation. I also liked the animated movie, and found it to be far less heart-wrenching ๐Ÿ™‚157993
  • The Girl with all the Gifts by M.R. Carey (My rating 5/5): It meant something. Something important and it said it in a lovely and page-turning way. I wish we were all like Melanie, defiant of our own inner darkness and reliant instead on the love and compassion of our inner light. A long read, but a worthy one. I can hardly wait to see the movie.17235026
  • Winter by Marissa Meyer (My rating 4/5 stars): The long awaited ending to my all-time favorite series was a joyful if long ride. One would argue it wasn’t as magnificent as the first books, but it was just as imaginative and interesting.13206900

Discover: A letter to the Past

Dear Past;

In the years it took me to stop crying and set out to write,the world has changed around me.

The places we used to go, the things we used to do.

All our memories have been stolen, by time, or by me, I do not know.

But now, I sit with the last of my breaths, my last chance at a survival I seem unable to shake.

My hands on the keyboard, the words stuck in my throat, perhaps when this story is over, I should have discovered, exactly what it was, what it is about you that makes this feeling so overwhelming, obsessive, and deadly.




A List of Maddening Things

One, the drip drip of water in the kitchen sink;

Two, the acidic smell of nail polish coming from my roommate’s side of the room

Three, the early chatter of the girls next door, how do people wake up with all those words?

Four, the annoying music blaring from the balcony two apartments to the left, not everyone like the kind of music you do!

Five, the endless questions of what’s right and wrong when Right is obvious, and Wrong is all those dying and starving in the countries right across the borders;

Six, the maybes and regrets of the past, all the what ifs, and only ifs, as though we’re all dead and tomorrow isn’t only a day away;

Seven, the words, empty and ice-cold of pity and ‘you poor thing’, of ‘I feel so sorry for them’, that come from anything but emotion. If you cared, why don’t you help? Bake the widower some food, hand the homeless man a coat, buy the little kid a book or a pair of new shoes!

Eight, all the TV news, and the Internet’s latest debates. Why is there so much blood and death? Is that all the world has become?

Nine, Worst of all, all the death and the blood in the world; it seems as though that is all the world has become…

Ten, me writing a list of maddening things and not doing a thing about any of them.

