

“When you were five years old, who was your hero? What do you think of that person today?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us a HERO.”

Hello there people of the blog sphere!
Today’s daily prompt, as you can see above, is about heroes.

I can’t really recall who was my hero at the age of five, but my aunt was the person I looked up to.
She was very close to me at the time, and still is. Working at the local radio, she was very sincere and enjoyed her work because it was her dream job.
My mom would tell me about the days she spent playing hostess to a show in front of the mirror with a brush in her hand. She was about eight or seven at the time.
She also has the warmest close-to-heart voice I ever heard.

She defied the look of the society who was very enclosed and somehow narrow minded about women, especially young beautiful ones, working in such a public place and be recognized by name and voice almost everywhere around the town.

It was half her own power and the rest my uncle’s encouragement, may he rest in peace.
What made her my role model, and my hero is the fact she was doing what she enjoyed and loved and was good at.
As kids, we all look up at celebrities, athletes and successful people because we see in them the figure of those who followed their dreams and did something in their life.
Even at a very young age, the picture of my aunt spending an overnighter at the radio doing a night talk and still returning home happy and the grin on her face left a great impact on me despite my terrible memory 🙂

Another thing about her is that she still has the dreamer flavor to her.
She is about 43 now and still pursuing her dream in becoming a famous writer and poet.
I did catch the reading and writing bug from her 🙂
Most women her age in our community have all lost their smiles and dreams in trying to raise the kids, keep up with the day job and doing the dishes.
Not that there is anything wrong with any of those things, but most of them have lost the twinkle in their eyes.
I do not wish to grow to that kind of a woman.
I want to grow with my dreams still alive, and my eyes still bright just like my hero did 🙂

What about you guys? Would you not introduce me to your heroes, please?

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13 thoughts on “Hero

  1. Tienny says:

    During my young years, my dad is my hero due to his honesty refusing to fight for his inheritance share. He chooses to work with his own hands rather than quarrel with his elder brothers. Inside his good looks, he is upright and honest.


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